bow hunting

The hunting of wild boar (sus scrofa) with a bow is a laborious and difficult hunt.Wild boars, which are in the forest during the daytime, move in the evening to feed their stomachs. Wild boars are timid, intelligent, and very sensitive animals. To shoot a male boar with a bow, you must have sufficient experience and equipment. You have to train for night shots, because shooting at 20 yards in the moonlight is not easy. We use various lighting techniques to illuminate the bait place. With these lighting techniques, we can make much more successful shots. We  set up tree stands to wait for the boars. We have achieved very successful results so far with the techniques we have used. I personally hunted a wild boar with a tusk length of 30.2 cm with a bow
Accommodations:  hotels -  only a  short  drive  from the hunting  area
Best Time of Year:  January through October
Duration of  Hunt : 7 to 10 nights*